Archive by Author

The largest swimming pool in the world
Posted on 11. Aug, 2009 by admin.
Now that could be my next vacation, the swimming pool at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile. The San Alfonso del Mar resort is situated on Chile’s southern coast, 100 km west of Santiago.
The artificial lagoon and swimming pool is eight hectares in size and contains a quarter million cubic meetings of water. [...]
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Think you own that kindle book?
Posted on 17. Jul, 2009 by admin.
Well think again, Amazon can come to your Kindle and take back any book it wants at any time. If I had known this I would have thought twice about buying one.
Via Digital Trends
In a Big Brother move, Amazon has deleted two George Orwell titles from Kindles in use, including, yes, 1984.
Writer George Orwell wrote [...]