Archive for July, 2009

Cloud computing – an idea that’s time has come?
Posted on 20. Jul, 2009 by Rory McCafferty.
For some time now the tech world has been abuzz with cloud computing. The concept provides great promise, companies can operate with less hardware and use on a need to basis, every application can be on the web with users accessing remotely. According to IDC the market for cloud computing will be $42 billion in [...]
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Think you own that kindle book?
Posted on 17. Jul, 2009 by admin.
Well think again, Amazon can come to your Kindle and take back any book it wants at any time. If I had known this I would have thought twice about buying one.
Via Digital Trends
In a Big Brother move, Amazon has deleted two George Orwell titles from Kindles in use, including, yes, 1984.
Writer George Orwell wrote [...]
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Custom Letters
Posted on 09. Jul, 2009 by Rory McCafferty.
LETTERCult has an interesting piece on the best custom lettering of the first half of 2009, I especially like this one from Esther Aarts
Custom Letters is an evolving category that includes calligraphy, sign painting, graffiti, stone carving, digital lettering, hand lettering, paper sculpture, and type design (we’d prefer to feature new/original type over, say, revivals).
Custom, [...]